The Evolution of the idea for a Middle-way approach
One thing about the current situation I want to talk about is that I have decided to step on the path of the Middle Way Approach as the solution of resolving the Sino – Tibet problem. I also thought to speak about its origin and how the basic idea occurred. If I’m to explain the whole actual reasons, Tibet lost its freedom when I roughly reached the age of 15 or 16. The former incarnation (His Holiness the 13th Dalai Lama) took over the authority of Tibet’s political and religious power at the age of 18. It was my turn to take up the responsibility of Tibet’s political and religious authority at around 15 or 16 years old. That was the time when China started their invasion in Tibet. From the very day I took up the responsibility of Tibet’s political and religious power I’ve been walking on the way where both Tibet and China can reach a common ground and resolve the fundamental conflict between Tibet and China. If we draw the line over Drichu(Yangtse river), these were complex issues since the beginning of 1950 when the first conflict took place in ‘dn-Khog,(འདན་ཁོག) around the end of spring or
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